Tamil Nadu Cricket Players In India Team. The tamil nadu cricket team is a domestic cricket team run by tamil nadu cricket association representing the state of tamil nadu india the team plays in ranji trophy the top tier of the domestic first class cricket tournament in india and in list a tournaments vijay hazare trophy and syed mushtaq ali trophy they have won the ranji trophy twice and have finished runners up nine times. You can also check the bollywood actors caste.
Application forms for the same will be available at the tnca tamil nadu cricket association offices and also on the tnca website www tnca cricket. You can also check the caste of indian cricket players for more information. Pages in category tamil nadu cricketers the following 153 pages are in this category out of 153 total.
Woorkeri raman the tamil nadu cricket association tnca head there are many cricket players in tamil nadu but only the players above has represented for team india in the international games.
Although he couldn t reach the benchmark set by kapil dev for an all rounder robin was an essential cog in the indian team during the late 1990 s. Tamil nadu cricket players are a part of the domestic team and represent the state of tamil nadu. This cricket team is one of the elite cricket teams of ranji trophy the team was earlier known as the madras team until 1970 71 because then the state of tamil nadu was known as madras now chennai. Woorkeri raman the tamil nadu cricket association tnca head there are many cricket players in tamil nadu but only the players above has represented for team india in the international games.