Southpaw Stance. A southpaw stance is when you have your right foot forward with your right hand as your jab hand and your left hand as your backhand. It is the normal stance for a left handed boxer.

Southpaw enterprises po box 1047 dayton oh 45401 domestic toll free. It is the normal stance for a left handed boxer. The corresponding designation for a right handed boxer is orthodox and is generally a mirror image of the southpaw stance.
For some people the southpaw stance is just more natural regardless they are right handed 2.
The southpaw stance is when a naturally left handed boxer uses the right hand as the lead punch or the jab with the straight left hand as the apparent power shot. Southpaw enterprises po box 1047 dayton oh 45401 domestic toll free. It is often used by left handed people but many boxers choose or learn to fight as a southpaw when they start boxing. You may have a stronger right arm but also stronger left leg that s very rare but it s possible.