Mma Fighting Stances. 1 a boxing style stance with one side strongly forward and 2 a more upright and relatively square stance from thai boxing. Fighting stances for mma and boxing the fighting style that a martial artist or boxer adopts is established by several variables.

Known as the sweet science boxing is the possibly the most simple striking sport in the world. Step your left foot back the toes of your left foot should be in line with the back of your right heel. Start with your feet shoulder width apart.
1 a boxing style stance with one side strongly forward and 2 a more upright and relatively square stance from thai boxing.
Step your left foot back the toes of your left foot should be in line with the back of your right heel. Bend your knees slightly. Your front right foot should be pointed. 1 a boxing style stance with one side strongly forward and 2 a more upright and relatively square stance from thai boxing.