How Do You Make A Proper Fist. Between strikes you may slightly relax your fist but be careful not to let the little finger come loose. Making a fist 1.

Extend all four fingers. To make a proper fist start by extending all four fingers and pressing them tightly together. Bend your fingers into your palm curling them under until the tip of each finger touches its.
To make a fist optimally you must squeeze the knuckles together rather than stretch them apart.
Start with your hand open and all four fingers fully extended roll your fingers so that your fingertips come to the top of your palm continue rolling your fingers until your nails dig into your palm place your thumb across your fingers between the first and second finger joints so it locks the fist. Start with your hand open and all four fingers fully extended roll your fingers so that your fingertips come to the top of your palm continue rolling your fingers until your nails dig into your palm place your thumb across your fingers between the first and second finger joints so it locks the fist. Firmly press all four. To make a proper fist start by extending all four fingers and pressing them tightly together.