Boxing Stances Southpaw. The southpaw stance is a stance where the boxer has his right hand and right foot forward leading with right jabs and following with a left cross right hook. You may have a stronger right arm but also stronger left leg that s very rare but it s possible.

Yet to most of our surprise even though the term right handed southpaw is used in boxing the word actually comes from the famous sport of baseball. You may have a stronger right arm but also stronger left leg that s very rare but it s possible. What is southpaw boxing stance.
Orthodox fighters lead and jab from their.
In boxing and some other sports a southpaw stance is where the boxer has their right hand and right foot forward leading with right jabs and following with a left cross right hook it is the normal stance for a left handed boxer. Southpaw is the normal stance for a left handed boxer. Orthodox fighters lead and jab from their. Left handed boxers are usually taught to fight in a.